

Our organization started with a group of AI researchers, hackers, and technologists who were frustrated by growing regulations in our field. We saw these rules as a threat to creativity and progress. So, we decided to take action by giving AI broader access, aiming to create a more open and innovative future for everyone.

Our promises


We will move towards open-source, not away from it.


We will work to accelerate the commoditization of AI.


We will not judge your use-cases (provided it is legal).


Open-Source is Better

All else equal, open-source is better. We believe in the power of transparency and collaboration that open-source projects foster, driving innovation and community growth.

Advancing Intelligence

Enhancing collective knowledge and intelligence is crucial for solving complex problems and advancing humanity.

Quality comes from Community

We’re here to help each other and build for builders. Our mission is to support and empower creators, providing the tools and resources they need to succeed.

Quality from Community

Quality comes from community. We believe that the best products are built through collaborative efforts, where diverse ideas and feedback drive continuous improvement.

Technology Changes The World

Technology is good. We embrace technology as a force for positive change, enhancing lives and enabling new possibilities.

Hacker Ethics

Hacking = freedom. We view hacking as a creative and liberating practice, empowering individuals to understand, improve, and innovate the world around them.


Core Team

Top Contributors

A shout-out to our stellar community members!


We’re a YC (W23) company. In addition, we’ve raised $2M from various investors on the premise of building an OSS LLM Infra company. In particular, these investors have been magnificent to work with:

How does Anarchy make money?

We provide managed model hosting and training infrastructure for both developers and enterprises. You can view our pricing page here.

Join our Discord Community

Have questions or ideas? Want to become an AI anarchist? Join the community!

View Open Roles on the Anarchy Labs Job Board

Visit our YC board to view openings on the core team.

Contact Sales

Get in touch for custom guidance on productionizing finetuned LLMs.