👨‍💻 Installation

To install the LLM-VM you simply need to download this repository and install it with pip like so:

> git clone https://github.com/anarchy-ai/LLM-VM.git
> cd LLM-VM
> pip3 install .

This will install both the library and test-server.

Generating Completions

Our LLM-VM gets you working directly with popular LLMs locally in just 3 lines. Once you’ve installed (as above), just load your model and start generating!

# import our client
from llm_vm.client import Client

# Select which LLM you want to use, here we have openAI's 
client = Client(big_model = 'chat_gpt')

# Put in your prompt and go!
response = client.complete(prompt = 'What is Anarchy?', context = '', openai_key = 'ENTER_YOUR_API_KEY')
# Anarchy is a political ideology that advocates for the absence of government...

Locally Run an LLM

# import our client
from llm_vm.client import Client

# Select the LlaMA model
client = Client(big_model = 'llama')

# Put in your prompt and go!
response = client.complete(prompt = 'What is Anarchy?', context = '')
# Anarchy is a political philosophy that advocates no government...